Ready to make Goat Milk Soap?

Get the direction & support you need to make monthly batches of Goat Milk Soap!

Does this sound like you?

You've always wanted to make soap...
But you've talked yourself out of it numerous times.
Maybe it seems daunting... risky... even a little scary?

How do I know if I am doing it right?
What ingredients do I use?
What is I do it wrong? What might happen?
Is this dangerous?

This is the place to jump that hurdle and stop pushing this interest to the back burner.
You CAN learn to make soap SAFELY & CONFIDENTLY!

And I'm going to show you how....


Step 1: The Basics

You will start your journey as a Sassy Soaper making sure you know all of the basics, including:

  • 6 videos that go over EVERYTHING you need to know to make your 1st batch of Goat Milk Soap
  • Safety training for working with soapmaking ingredients
  • What equipment you will need
  • Tips & Tricks for successful soap batches

Step 2: Join our Monthly Projects

After you understand basic soapmaking, jump into all of our monthly projects! Here's how it works.

  • You have the "basic ingredients" on hand - I will tell you what those are!
  • Each month, I send you a box of all the scent, colorants and embellishments you'll need for that month's project
  • We meet Live on Zoom each month to make the month's soap project together
  • You get access to the call afterward, so there's no pressure to attend Live!
  • Make your batch of soap for that month, and YOU get to decide how you will use it!

Bonus 1: Access to Technique Videos

As a Sassy Soapers member, you get access to our ever-growing library of instructional videos.

  • Beginning soap recipes
  • Intricate swirling techniques
  • Essential oils
  • Other fun things to do with your soap!

This library is available to you as a reference if you miss a Zoom call, or add additional teaching if you are looking for more!

Bonus 2: Join our Private Facebook Group

PLUS, you get access to our Sassy Soapers Facebook Group!

You can post pictures of your creations, ask questions if things aren't going quite right, and get feedback from our other members!

This is the perfect community for like-minded, creative soapmakers to come together!

Sassy Soapers FAQ

Sassy Soapers FAQ

How much does Sassy Soapers cost?
Membership in Sassy Soapers is $57 per month, with your first trial month at only $42.
Do I need to know how to make soap before joining?
Any level soapmaker is welcome! We have an introductory module if you haven't made soap before, where we go over all of the basics you'll need to know. We recommend making a "Basic" batch of goat milk soap before diving into the colors, scents and techniques that will follow.
Will you send me the ingredients in the mail?
You will keep the basic soapmaking ingredients on hand - I will tell you which ones. And then, each month I will send you a box of all of the specific things you'll need for that month's soap project - including scent, colorants, and any embellishments needed.
Will I be charged monthly?
Yes, this is a monthly membership. You are free to cancel at any time.
What could I do with the soap I make?
What a fun question! That's up to you! Some of our members use them at home, give them as gifts, or even sell them in their own soap business.
Sassy Soapers Membership

    Sassy Soapers Membership


    Join the monthly soapmaking group and get your creativity flowing! Join today and be a part of the very next project we make together!